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AI Based Assets On GameDev Market

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We have updated info on the below post, which can be found here.

While AI generated art certainly isn’t a new thing, its popularity has soared over the last 12 months, which has lead to us seeing an increase in people uploading assets created with AI for review. With this in mind we wanted to give some guidelines on AI based assets coming onto the marketplace moving forward.

As highlighted in the below Google Trends graph, there’s been a huge surge in popularity for the ‘ai art’ search term from June to November of this year and it’s across this period we’ve seen a rise in the number of AI based uploads to the store, which is why we felt the need to lay out some guidance for sellers considering listing these assets.

AI Assets on GDM
First off, to make it clear to all members, AI generated assets are not something we’re looking at banning from the store, but at the same time we do feel that potential buyers need to be more aware of what they are purchasing.

There’s been two main issues that have cropped up with recent uploads that has resulted in us querying or fully rejecting them – firstly, there have been some that have been slightly misleading of the fact they are AI generated based on their titles or descriptions, secondly, others have been generated using software that does not grant commercial rights, which means they are not allowed to be sold.

Based on the above, and with immediate effect, we’re going to be adding the following requirements as part of the review process for any AI generated assets uploaded to the store;

  • Where relevant, all assets must make it abundantly clear that AI has been used to create the asset images/files that are included in the download folder.
  • AI generated assets must also include the details of the software/platform used to create them, this is to allow confirmation that the software/platform has provided the commercial copyright terms for the images to be sold. 

Any asset that is uploaded that has been created with AI and does not meet the above requirements will be rejected during the review process and will only be accepted on re-submission if the two requirements are met.

For any assets that are already listed on the store that are flagged as being potentially AI generated either internally or by other members, we will contact the sellers in the first instance for further information and then, if required, request for changes to be made to their listing. Proceeding this, if no changes are made to the asset(s) within the allotted timescale, then we will look at moving assets to draft mode until they are updated.

The key thing we want this to address is to ensure that, as stated in the website Terms & Conditions, anyone uploading assets to the store is the full copyright holder for the items they are attempting to sell. By implementing these listing requirements we can help to give a fuller picture for any members who are considering purchasing an asset that has used AI to create it.

If you have any questions about anything surrounding AI assets on the store then feel free to contact Support.

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