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Member Spotlight - Kokororeflections

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Kokororeflections are next up as our Featured Creator and Member Spotlight. Hailing from the US, they are a pair of asset creators with a focus on RPG tilesets and you can see their full collection here

GDM Username: kokororeflections

M and T…there are two of us.  ?
Age: 39/33
Country: USA
Developer, Asset Creator or are you a bit of both?:   
A bit of both, but mostly asset creators.
Full Time, Part Time or Hobby?: 
Full time!

How long have you been doing this?: 
About three years for asset creating, one year full-time.

What made you become a dev/artist?: 
We’ve always had interest in creating games, even as kids.  While developing a game a few years ago with RPG Maker, we noticed the lack of assets available on certain subjects, so we decided to fill the niche.  Once people realised we took requests, we got tons of them and we use that demand as a gauge for choosing future tilesets to develop.
Favourite software/tools to use?:  
Clip Studio Paint EX, Pyxel Edit
What’s one tip you would give to someone starting out?:   
Don’t undervalue your work…if you don’t believe in it, no one else will either.  Price it accordingly.
How do you promote your work (games or assets)?:  
Right now, we mainly rely on word-of-mouth and organic traffic.  Since so many of our tilesets are niche, they’re easy to find.
What project are you working on now?:  
Other than tilesets, mainly personal projects
And finally, favourite game ever & why?:   

Good question!  There have been a lot of games that have influenced us, and selecting a single one as a favourite would be nearly impossible.

Check out some of Kokororeflection’s assets…

Ultimate Sci Fi Frontiers Tileset

Modern Interiors Tileset

Tuscan Seaside Tileset

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