It's time for another update from us on some of the member facing updates that have recently been pushed out onto the store, some of which you'll have likely already spotted, others may have slipped by unnoticed...
Dark Mode
It's something that's come up multiple times whenever we've sent out member surveys in the past, but we've finally now added a dark mode option to the site!
So the next time you're having a late night asset browsing session or just want to have reduce the strain on your eyes, all you need to do is click the little moon icon in the top nav and the site will switch across.
You may need to perform a hard refresh to get it to activate the first time of using it, but other than that it's an instant change.
If you do spot anything that doesn't look quite right while in dark mode, just let us know and we'll get it fixed!
Asset Page Redesign
We've tidied up our asset product pages to make things a lot clearer and simpler to access all of the details about an asset.
Across all assets you will now see we've moved to a tabbed layout, meaning asset descriptions, available asset media (YouTube/Soundcloud), reviews, comments and basic author information are now all easily accessible instead of being spread across multiple areas of the page.
N.B. - the Asset Media tab will only display for assets that have had a YouTube/Soundcloud embed uploaded.
Asset Star Ratings
Our asset review system has moved back to the star ratings that were previously in place before the full rebuild. All previous reviews still translate across, so anything that was rated as a 4 previously will now show 4 stars.
For any assets that have received any reviews, we've also added in an average rating indicator above the price of the asset when looking at it's individual listing page.
FinalBossBlues.png31.48 KB We're going to be placing more focus on increasing the number of reviews we get from people after purchasing an asset. The more assets that have reviews, the better for everyone as it gives a clearer indicator to potential buyers of the quality of an asset and gives asset creators more incentive to make sure their assets are kept up to date and have any issues resolved.
File Sizes
Assets across the store can vary significantly when it comes to the size of the zip folder, some may be in the kb whereas others are 5gb+, but now there's no more guessing on the size of the zip you'll get.
FileSize.png47.46 KB We've added the file size data to the Technical Details of each asset now, meaning any prospective buyers can get a clearer idea on the size of the zip that comes with each asset.
There's plenty more in the pipeline at the moment to give all members a better experience using the site, so keep an eye out for our next update once we're ready to go.
GDM Team
GameDev Market is a marketplace for high quality, affordable game assets handcrafted by talented creators from all around the world.
GameDev Network Limited is registered in England & Wales (08951892). Registered office: Baltic Co-Working Space, 12 Jordan Street, Liverpool, UK. L1 0BP. ICO registered (ZA122213).