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Fantasy RPG Asset Bundle - Featured Creator: Franuka

This asset is part of the Fantasy RPG Asset Bundle - Featured Creator: Franuka  bundle



Presenting a new set of bloodthirsty hero-slaying monsters hailing from the deepest circles of hells and up to forgotten deserts and bogs, ready to wreak havoc throughout the kingdom!?


  • 40 fully animated top-down characters (4-sides), and more to come!
  • Includes idle, walk, hit, die and attack animations for each sprite
  • Animated projectiles
  • Bonus tilesets, characters and vegetation (free sample!)?

 Monster factions

Bog dwellers Coming from the wettest and slimiest of swamps.

Desertic Horrors of the coarse sand that gets everywhere. How irritating!

Dragons Multi-colored winged beasts thought to be extinct. Comes in various sizes.

Feywild It must be bad if even the peaceful fae are willing to fight against you!

Frostlands From the cold mountains they come tumbling down.

Infernal Fiery creatures willing to make a pact with you. You should sign.

Loyalists Wait, humans? Wasn't this a monster pack? Oh...

Medieval Manuscripts Crawling out of old texts full of memes and abominations. Now it's getting weird...

Undead Nothing ever stays dead.

Wildlings It's not easy being green.


- (Unlockable goal) -


 New faction

- (Unlockable goal) -

Once this final goal is achieved, I'll make a twitter poll so you get to choose which new faction is added! (that's 5 new fully animated characters)


Buy and get downloadable .png spritesheets ready to use in your project. Thanks for your support!

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Author Details

Franuka's profile image

Active Since: October 2020

Published Products: 15

Followers: 77


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Melschex 1 month ago

Very Nice and versatile. I normally don't like pixel very much, bu these give a Zelda style that is irresistible. Thank you for your great packages.

Franuka 1 month ago

Thank you so much for your kind words! :)

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Fantasy RPG monster pack

Handcrafted by Franuka


(VAT may apply)

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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1.4.1
Last updated January 20, 2025
Included formats png
Created in Aseprite
File size 5.37 MB
Changelog Changed a multi-byte character in Yokai filenames to support older versions of unzip

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